Our general terms and conditions
training courses tailored to your needs
Swiss maturity
1. The start dates are in February, May, August and November.
2. For the May and November start dates, 3 months are offered at the end of your contract in order to take the final exams on time. If you stop taking them, they will be lost and will not be taken into account.
The person responsible for the financing commits to the Institut-domi:
1. To pay the 5% of the chosen service before the start of the course.
2. To respect payment deadlines.
a) In the event of non-payment, two warnings will be sent at 15-day intervals, after the date shown on the invoice.
b) 7 days after the last warning, the learner’s account will be closed until the accounts have been settled.
c) If necessary, the person responsible for financing may speak to the management or send proof of payment.
The Institut-domi commits to the learner to:
1. Provide technical support in the event of a problem with the platform.
2. Propose a personalized study schedule.
3. Correct homework within four working days, if conditions are met.
4. Enable seamless use of the learning platform.
5. Give instructions for making appointments with the trainer on Google Calendar.
6. Videoconferencing (on specific topics) and e-mail exchanges with teachers.
7. Support the learner via the teachers and/or the Institut-domi management.
8. Transfer exercise notes to the methodology platform.
9. Put all the important dates in your curriculum on the platform calendar.
10. Provide a progress report every quarter or semester (depending on the course chosen). This report will be sent to the student and to the person in charge of financing (if different), whether the student is of age or not. The report will be sent in: January, April, July and October.
The learner undertakes to the Institut-domi to:
1. Mention his/her surname, first name, module and exercise on each assignment. Failure to do so will result in the assignment being returned uncorrected.
2. Manage your progress, but with a minimum of four exercises per month/branch.
3. Submit assignments to the methodology platform for correction, with a maximum of 3 assignments per branch at any one time.
4. Show discipline and give his training all the attention and work required.
5. Show respect and civility towards teachers and the management of the Institut-domi.
6. Send your mature work to the Institut-domi, done with your referee, starting no more than 1 month after the first part-work if you are doing a 2-year course. For 3-year courses, the work begins at the start of the second term.
7. Do not share, publish or transmit Institut-domi courses and exercises externally, on pain of immediate breach of contract.
1. Documents required by the learner as part of his/her training can be found on the platform.
2. The books mentioned in the bibliography must be purchased by the student. Registration for official examinations:
1. The Institut-domi does not take the learner’s place when registering for official examinations.
2. It is the learner’s responsibility to register for the examination session on the required date.
3. The Institut-domi is in no way responsible for any oversight on the part of the learner.
4. All key dates can be found on the e-domi calendar.
5. The learner may register for official examinations as a student of the Institut-domi, provided he/she has obtained the approval of the Institut-domi management, in accordance with these conditions.
Diplomas and certificates:
1. If the student has not passed his/her Maturité, he/she can request a diploma from the Institut-domi.
2. Attestations provided by the Institut-domi are issued on request for the current year, provided that the student is following a regular course of study in accordance with the syllabus. The Institut-domi reserves the right not to renew an attestation.
Examination results:
1. The learner undertakes to inform the Institut-domi of the results of his/her examinations after each part-examination.
2. If the learner has passed his/her exams before the end of the contract, the full remaining amount is due.
The community:
1. By selecting “display” in the “community” section, you authorize us to:
– Make your profile and all related information visible to other Institut-domi students and teachers.
– Share some of your information with students and teachers at the Institut-domi.
2. Students may change their choice at any time, in writing, to the Management.
3. By selecting “hide” in the “community” section, the learner refuses to interact with other learners.
4. Any objectionable content (inappropriate comments, undesirable content, etc.) will result in sanctions up to and including exclusion.
5. All shared content can be used by other members of the community.
Support courses:
1. Private lessons (10 hours) are given by Institut-domi teachers for the entire curriculum.
2. Coaching courses are provided by Ecole Benk, a partner for over 5 years.
3. Not taking advantage of these services does not affect the price of the course.
Violation of contractual obligations:
Without restricting its other rights, the Institut-domi reserves the right to block access to the platform and/or to terminate the learner’s contract if the learner violates his or her obligations under these general terms and conditions and/or the registration form.
Withdrawal of registration, penalty clause, force majeure:
1. The learner has until July 10, for the summer school year, or December 10, for the winter school year, to withdraw his/her enrolment free of charge.
2. The 5% deposit remains the property of the Institut-domi under all circumstances.
– If the learner withdraws within the first 6 months after the start of the school year, 50% of the remaining balance of the invoice will be due.
– After the first 6 months, 3 months’ written notice must be sent to the Management. Monthly payments are due 3 months after receipt of said notice for the end of a month in addition to the 5%.
3. Payments remain due. The learner will have access to the platform but his/her assignments will not be corrected and he/she will not be able to progress in the modules.
4. In the event of net payment, 6 months and the 5% deposit will be retained, upon notification of the end of the course, which must be sent by e-mail to the Management. The remaining balance will be refunded.
5. Failure to send assignments for correction and/or to use the services offered by the Institut-domi does not entitle the student to any reduction in fees.
Registration extension:
1. In the event of long-term illness (2 months or more), and on presentation of a medical certificate, the student’s progress is suspended and registration is extended for the duration of the illness. However, payments continue to be made. The person responsible for the financing continues to pay the monthly instalments in accordance with the invoice issued and the present general terms and conditions.
2. An extension for a reason other than illness may be granted at the discretion of the Management. The effects of such an extension are identical.
3. If the learner has not completed his training by the end of his contract, he may, if he so wishes, draw up an extension of between six and twelve months. Receipt of the “contract extension” signals the start of a new contract. As long as the extension is not in the possession of the Institut-domi, the student’s account is blocked.
Applicable law and place of jurisdiction:
1. The general terms and conditions, the registration form and the contract extension are subject to Swiss law.
2. In the event of disputes, the Institut-domi SA’s place of jurisdiction is Lausanne.
Nullity of a clause:
The nullity of a clause in the general terms and conditions, the registration form and the contract extension does not affect the rest of the clauses, which will continue to be effective.
Modification of terms and conditions:
The Institut-domi management reserves the right to modify this registration form and/or the related terms and conditions at any time. In the event of significant changes, an e-mail will be sent to the learners and to the person responsible for financing, if applicable, to inform them.
Accounting diploma
Registration with the Institut-domi is effective
after receipt of a deposit of 5% of the price of the chosen service.
The person responsible for the financing commits to the Institut-domi:
1. To pay the 5% of the chosen service before the start of the course.
2. To respect the payment deadlines.
a) In the event of non-payment, two warnings will be sent at 15-day intervals, after the date mentioned on the invoice, the latter being authoritative.
b) 7 days after the last warning, the learner’s account will be closed until the monthly payments have been settled.
c) If necessary, the person responsible for financing can talk to the Management, to make an arrangement or send a receipt.
The Institut-domi commits to the learner to:
1. Provide technical support in the event of problems with the platform.
2. Correct assignments within four working days, if conditions are met.
3. Allow seamless use of the teaching platform (e-domi).
4. Exchange with teachers via videoconferencing (on specific topics) and e-mail.
5. Support learners via teachers and/or Institut-domi management.
6. Transfer exercise notes to the methodological platform (e-domi).
7. Provide a progress report on request. This will be sent to the student and to the person responsible for funding (if different), whether or not the student has reached the age of majority.
The learner undertakes to the Institut-domi to:
1. Mention his/her surname, first name, module and exercise on each assignment. Failure to do so will result in the assignment being returned to the learner uncorrected.
2. Manage his/her progress, but hand in a minimum of four exercises per month.
3. Submit assignments to the e-domi platform for correction, with a maximum of 3 assignments per branch at any one time.
4. Demonstrate discipline and devote the necessary attention and hard work to their training.
5. Show respect and civility towards teachers and the Institut-domi management.
6. Not to share, publish or transmit Institut-domi courses and exercises externally, under penalty of immediate termination of contract.
1. The documents necessary for the learner’s training can be found on the methodological platform (e-domi)
2. The books mentioned in the bibliography are to be purchased by the student.
Registration for official exams:
1. Registration is made directly with the Institut-domi, where the learner will make an appointment for the exam when he or she feels ready.
2. There are no set sessions or dates for taking the exams. Dates are set by mutual agreement. They take place on the Institut-domi premises.
Examination results:
1. If the learner has passed his/her exam before the end of the contract, the full amount remains due.
The community:
1. By selecting “display” in the “community” section, you authorize us to:
A. Make your profile visible to other students (who have also ticked “display”) and teachers at the Institut-domi, as well as all related information.
B. Communicate some of your information to the students and teachers of the Institut-domi.
2. Students may change their choice at any time, in writing, to the Management.
3. By selecting “hide” in the “community” section, the learner refuses to interact with other learners.
4. Any objectionable content (inappropriate comments, undesirable content, etc.) will result in sanctions up to and including exclusion.
5. All shared content can be used by other members of the community.
Violation of contractual obligations:
Without restricting its other rights, the Institut-domi reserves the right to block access to the platform and/or terminate the learner’s contract if the learner violates his/her obligations under these general terms and conditions and/or the
registration form.
Withdrawal of registration, penalty clause, force majeure:
1. The 5% deposit remains the property of the Institut-domi under all circumstances.
A. If the learner withdraws from the course within the first 6 months after the start of the course, 50% of the remaining balance of the invoice will be due.
B. After the first 6 months, 3 months’ written notice must be given to the Management. Monthly payments are due 3 months after receipt of said notice for the end of a month in addition to the 5%.
2. During this period, payments remain due. The learner will have access to the platform, but his/her assignments will not be corrected and he/she will not be able to progress in the modules.
3. In the event of net payment, 6 months and the 5% deposit will be retained, upon announcement of the end of the course, which must be sent by e-mail to the Management. The remaining balance will be refunded.
4. Failure to send assignments for correction and/or to use the services offered by the Institut-domi does not entitle the student to any reduction in fees.
Registration extension:
1. In the event of long-term illness (2 months or more), and upon presentation of a medical certificate, the student’s progress is suspended and registration is extended for the duration of the illness. However, payments are maintained. The person responsible for the financing continues to pay the monthly instalments in accordance with the invoice issued and the present general terms and conditions.
2. An extension for a reason other than illness may be granted at the discretion of the Management. The effects of such an extension are identical to the above condition.
3. If the apprentice has not completed his training by the end of his contract, he may, if he so wishes, draw up an extension of between three and six months. Receipt of the “contract extension” signals the start of a new contract. As long as the extension is not in the possession of the Institut-domi, the student’s account is blocked.
Applicable law and place of jurisdiction:
1. The general terms and conditions, the registration form and the contract extension are subject to Swiss law.
2. In the event of disputes, the Institut-domi SA’s place of jurisdiction is Lausanne.
Nullity of a clause:
The nullity of a clause in the general terms and conditions, the registration form and the contract extension does not affect the rest of the clauses, which will continue to be effective.
Modification of terms and conditions:
The management of the Institut-domi reserves the right to modify this registration form and/or the related terms and conditions at any time. In the event of significant changes, an e-mail will be sent to the learners and to the
financing manager, if applicable, to inform them.